My Grounding, Centering and Connecting to the Light Meditation

I spent many years looking to others for my center – my identity – hoping that somehow, they would ground me and make me whole. As the years went by and my life continued to spiral out of control, I had no idea how to find my center and I thought that my Savior had abandoned me. Whenever I would gain some traction, I would inevitably slip back to looking to others for love and grounding. It was a futile exercise that left me feeling empty and alone.

One day, literally, I kneeled before God and cried out, “My life is at rock bottom, and I am not going to let it get any lower. Help me!” That was the moment that I finally let go and realized that I could not do it alone – that I needed help from a power greater than myself. Thankfully, I still had an inkling that there was that power greater than me that could lift me up and set me on the right path. God showed me the steps to take, and I listened and went into action. I joined the YWCA and there I began to re-connect with my body. I found the work-outs grounding, but still had no awareness that I could do grounding on my own without weights or machines or anything. I got a therapist and luckily, she was a Reiki Master. I took her training to become a Reiki I practitioner. It was there that I learned about grounding, centering, and connecting to source techniques that would greatly assist me on my new journey to wholeness.

Today, I do a practice that I put together through my years of learning different healing modalities.

Sit or lie in a comfortable place in quiet. Take a deep breath into your diaphragm while lifting up your diaphragm, then another deep breath as you continue to lift into your chest. Repeat ten times.

Breathe normally as you start to visualize a rod or chord going from your coccyx down, down, down into the center of the Earth. If you like (for extra grounding) wrap the chord around the center of the Earth. Breathe in the grounding energy from Earth’s center.

Now, bring your awareness (breath) to your heart chakra. Visualize your heart opening and breathe as you open your solar plexus. Repeat ten times.

Finally, travel up to your third eye and above into your crown chakra. As you breathe in, visualize a beam of Light from your higher power pouring in as you open your crown chakra. Let the light FILL your entire body. Visualize it filling each part of you. When finished, please close your crown chakra and third eye so that your auric field is not open to negative energies/entities. Close with a prayer of thanks.

In Summary:

When you have experienced trauma or multiple traumas, you likely may suffer from PTSD symptoms. says: “As with most mental illnesses, PTSD isn't curable — but people with the condition can improve significantly and see their symptoms resolve. At Mercy, our goal is to help you address the root causes of PTSD, so you can get back to living your best life.”

The PTSD symptoms I experience today are far more manageable than earlier in my life when I didn’t have treatment or know how to care for myself. I will say, I do experience things that trigger me. That is why it is very important for me to have an arsenal of things that I do to have a life that soars to new heights of being. Stay tuned to this blog to learn more things that you may do to help yourself soar too!


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